We all do it...name something. It could be your first imaginary friend, a puppy or kitten, a favourite toy, your child or even your first car. So what's in a name, what makes us click with that special word that will link us forever? The words 'Stay Bright' have had strength for me since my teenage years, so I felt it was truely meant to be our business name.
To come up with a name I find is usually based on a feeling. A feeling I get when i just know that the special name was meant to be. The feeling can take a little longer in some instances and not always feel 100%.
For example...my daughters name. So you would think this is the easiest of all, but no! Think about it, that name will cling to them forever, for all eternity. The name you choose could be the reason your child receives 'special' treatment in school and could be linked to some nasty word that rhyme's perfectly...you could well and truely be creating entertainment for every 2nd grader in your kids entire class...so seriously please choose your child's name with extreme caution.
Ok, so you have never been there? Well for me it was mid primary school when my surname (sorry kid's, most of you are stuck with this one) caused me to be picked on...looking back its quite funny yet at the time it was no laughing matter. My surname, which now I am so proud of along with its heritage and ode to my beautiful late father just happened to have the right ring to rhyme with a word only a young boy could conjure up! 'Jock power' wow really funny right...but no this was really not funny in my 10 year old mind...it was simply the worst!
Some names make you feel bad while others help you feel content and really suit their intended meaning.
Stay Bright & Co was definitely formed from a different feeling. A happy, peaceful and dreamy place. One of my favourite authors in High School was S. E. Hinton and I absolutely fell in love with her story 'The Outsiders'. Ironically she was only 15 years old when she started writing the book which may be why I related to her writing style so much back then. There is a moving moment in which one of the characters Johnny has been injured in a fight. His dying words to Pony Boy were 'Stay Gold' which was in reference to a Robert Frost poem 'Nothing gold can stay'. I fell in love with these words and later began using my own version 'Stay Bright' when signing off on cards and letters...it became my mantra. While this moment in the book was extremely emotional there was something serene and uplifting I took from it...these words have stayed with me all this time and continue to make me smile. To Stay Bright is to truely shine from the inside out and we love sharing our special name with you all.
Happiness Always x